Next Trade Alert In: 01:13

The Algorithm Is Monitored By our Senior Team of Analysts

  • McGallan

    Co-Founder and Senior Investment Analyst at GS Finance, Wall St.

  • Matt Monaco

    Self Taught Programmer with $1.9 Million in Trading Profits

  • Rob Booker

    20+ year Forex Trader and Mentor, with over $7 million in profits.

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How Does Our Algorithm
Perform So Well?

The Contract Algorithm is our very own system that uses neural network algorithms that transform the complex market data into simple yet effective trade alerts...

To do that, we focused on these 3 things:

#1: Pinpoint Accuracy, No Mistakes - In algorithmic trading, there is minimum human intervention, resulting in a lower chance of dangerous trading mistakes.

Using the algorithm, we are screening and sorting 1500 pieces of transaction data per minute. It searches for 5:1R trades, meaning we make 5$ for every $1 traded. It generates 15+ trading opportunities each day and we hand-pick the top 3 - and share them with our community.

You can begin using our algo alerts with as little as $100/day, then begin to scale only after your trading is profitable.

Some of our community members earn $8272 a day! You are welcome to join us now!

#2: The Algorithm Works 24/7: A computer doesn’t need sleep, so our trading algorithms can find trades all the time, as long as the market is open.

There is no missing any qualified trade setup with algorithmic trading because our algos are scanning the markets and making trade alerts all the time, even while you sleep.

#3: Emotionless Trade Decisions: Your emotions in trading expose you to unnecessary risk. When you lose capital because of emotional trading, you tend to get involved in revenge trading. This trading refers to the practice of going ahead with a trade to overcome a previous loss. There’s an intense feeling to overcome the loss as quickly as possible, and in a bid to do so, you go about making random trades that can cause more harm than good.

By using “Algorithmic Trading” you remove all decisions based on emotion from your trading. You only make trade decisions based on statistics and a proven method.

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Did you know that 85% of all trades are done by algorithms?

There is a reason why you aren’t seeing the trading success that the big wall street institutions are. The average every day Joe trader has NO edge. Most traders follow Mainstream media advice trade alerts or even worse, follow stock picks from Reddit or unqualified discord groups.

No wonder 90% of traders fail.

No wonder the majority of Wall Street Institutions Make Billions a year.

They are playing on an uneven playing field.

We've taken Wall Street's institutional grade algorithms and demystified them that almost any trader can starting winning with.

We've taken the edge right out of Wall Street's back pocket

The Contract Trading Algorithm will send you daily, actionable trade alerts in real time via your preferred option.

Why do we do this for free? We are so confident you will find daily winners with our FREE Wall Street Grade algorithmic trade alerts, You'll want to keep working with us over and over again :)

There is zero risk and no cost receiving our daily 3 FREE institutional grade algo alerts. In the unlikely event you hate them for any reason, you are free to leave.

FREE Daily Signals From Our AI Algorithm